Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Dream of a Secret Lover


Your loveliness i never knew,
until you smiled on me
My cheeks then became cold and white,
my heart began to beat loud and fast.
Then i saw that your eyes were bright
It had a well of love, a spring of light.

Your eyes glow even in the darkness of my heart,
like little sparks of fire on a moonless night.
And all that's best and dark and bright,
meet in the aspect of your eyes.

Your lips so bright like roses in the garden,
let out a smile that won my heart.
Just like the sweet thoughts in a dream,
Please let your love in kisses rain.

And when you speak thousand harps play
The winds breath slow
And the stars twinkle bright.
All traveling winds will look at you
and follow you through forests and meadows.
All stars of night will look at you
with sleeplessness in their eyes.

O' Dear fair maiden,
when will you be mine
to go with me to the promised land.
The land of flowing milk and honey
No matter how long it takes for you,
Just remember I'll always be there for you.

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